Children's Ministry and the
Spiritual Child:
Practical, Formation-Focused Ministry
general editors:
Trevecca Okholm + Robin Turner
“What is unique about this resource is that many contributors are primarily thoughtful practitioners (some also happen to be academics)―the reverse is usually true. Okholm and Turner’s work is extremely valuable for the person in the trenches of local ministry.”
―Dr. Scottie May
Associate Professor of Christian Formation and Ministry Emerita at Wheaton College; coauthor of Listening to Children on the Spiritual Journey
“The authors combine qualitative research and practical ideas to help you reach children and families more effectively. From a strong emphasis on receptive listening, cultivating internal motivation, and building developmental relationships to strategies for responding to difficult behaviors and trauma, each chapter offers connections with scripture and social science research. I especially appreciate the attention to addressing racism and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), as well as the myriad effects of the global pandemic on family faith practices."
―Rev. Karen-Marie Yust
Rowe Professor of Christian Education, Union Presbyterian Seminary; chair of the International Association for Children’s Spirituality; author of Real Kids, Real Faith